NW Metal Zone Episode 167 - Podcast

Post date: Dec 4, 2014 7:40:49 AM

Hell! You missed the last show of NW Metal Zone? Here the link to the podcast!Playlist:Brain Scraper - BloodstainClassic Alien Invasion - Cosmos Family ValuesMico De Noche - Behind Our Silence WallSarpedon - Anomic NationMassacre At The Opera - AbsolutionKrystos - Woods of SuicideZero Down - Return of the GodzDoomsower - El Camino RealSickness - No Means YesOld Iron - Lerna

Deathbed Confessions - Everything You Need

Vihaan - Inflection

Humut Tabal - Dark Emperor Ov The Shadow Realm

Initial Point - Hale Bopp

Black Bone Exorcism - Cast From Collapse
